Tuesday, October 02, 2007

A Post in the Style of Larry King's USA Today column

Do you suppose The Mariners will make it into the play-offs if we get rid of that big sculpture of a mitt with a baseball-shaped hole in it, in front of Safeco field? Seems like bad mojo there.

Have you heard the commercial with the kid asking his Dad, "Dad, could a monster come through walls?" and he says "Not these walls."

See, now, I'd say..."Drywall? A monster'd slice through that in a heart-beat." Another good reason not to have kids. Reason # 52. Collect 'em all.

Longest running commercials without "jumping the shark?" Have to be those Bud-Lite radio ads entitled "Real Men of Genius." Heard one on Sunday's Seahawks game--"Here's to you Mr. Overly-Competitive-Touch-Football-Game-Player." Nearly did a spit-take in my car.

That F. Scott Fitzgerald was a hell of a writer, wasn't he?


John McCain said that a president should be a "Christian." Ah, but what kind? Does that include Mormons, and Muslims? Anybody but the Jews, huh, John? Attaboy on your self-serving move to the right...right into the ditch.

"What's with Hillary's laugh?" says an MSN headline. Finally, we're getting to the issues that matter.
Isn't about time for them to release more Beatles outtakes? Or do they have enough money?

And has Paul McCartney ever done a second draft of anything?


What sort of a name is Mitt, anyway?


Marshmallows taste different than I remember them. Is anyone looking into that?

Bumper Sticker of the Day: "Trample the Weak/ Hurdle the Deceased"
(All I can say is: Welcome to Dick Cheney's America)

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