Sunday, January 07, 2007

Whistling in the Wind

It's the start of another week, and this one started out cold and extraordinarily rainy--not the most enticing weather for K to head into town for an intense week of work, but she's off and I and the dog and the cat are fending. Off to town in a moment for supplies, and a walk in the woods. The Passage is calm. Lots of free-lance to do today, then another project/another group later in the week, so it's going to be hectic with the regular work also making me busy.
As I'd mentioned before, we lost power again this past week. The lights went away about 10 Friday night (I stumbled in about 8:30pm), and stayed out until 2:00pm Saturday afternoon. It's getting to be old-hat now. One looks forward to cooking on the wood-stove and gathering the animals together for warmth. We went foraging for coffee yesterday, and there were, of course, all sorts of honking-fits at non-functioning traffic lights (having become 4-way Stops), and a lot of folks looking straight out of "Night of the Living Dead" staggering for caffeine. Must say I was one of them. The Island appears to be back to normal, but when we lose power it seems like the whole Island invariably loses it, too. And not just power.
Johnson is doing just fine, there are no complications and he's out taking progressively longer walks and building up his strength. He sounds "bubbley" over the phone if such a term can be applied to him. Amazing. Between that and Pat's brain surgery going so well, it's enough to dispel most fears about going into the hospital. Then, I go over to my Seester's and she turns on "Grey's Anatomy" ("West Wing's" best non-Sorkin writer is now a producer on the show) and I start thinking, "How do these people stay on-line with their jobs when they're hopping into each other's sacks all the time?" Makes me never want to get least until doctors become monks (and look how well that's done for the Catholic Church!).
Actually listened to the Seahawks play-off game last night (not like me!), and was kept on the edge of the couch. Interesting game...seems like the Seahawks were playing their exact match in the Dallas Cowboys, not only in skills, but also in their ability to be their own worst enemy and Play-Things of the Fates. Yeesh! Players started dropping like flies. Former "goats" turned into the highest level of Heroes, and it finally came down to timing and running out the clock. After four quarters of wierdness, the best way to win..was to simply stand in place. The Seahawks advance. Hopefully there's a lot of skin on their teeth, as they must be out of finger-nails by now.
Absolutely no takers on the "
Query" from last week. I yell into the "Comments" section and there's just an echo (at least I get that...and if that isn't a metaphor for the whole "blog" phenom, then what's a "meta" for?). No response. Zip. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Null set. "The Big Goose-Egg."
The Cupboard is Bare.
Could it be the question? Does it produce a
Rumsfeldian response ala "We don't know what we don't know?" I'll leave it up, but I'll probably be molderin' in the grave by the time I get ten responses. No blow-back on the "Greatest DC Covers of All Time"--this is why I don't write about comics! Coming up: I have two reviews in the hopper (don't expect a "10 best list" I don't do those, except for this ...eventually that old paper that'll take a week to post...and that brings up an issue, but I'm loathe to ask because I probably won't get a response...given the lengths of some of these things, should I just "bite the bullet" and "digest" everything (just present the first three hundred words or so, then link to the full article) or is there some reader-satisfaction in having the whole thing "right there" where only scrolling needs to be done. I've pondered. Oh. I have pondered.
And finally, Happy Birthday to my Ex-Wife, Sandra. It's her umpty-umpth birthday today.


John said...

I never saw the Godfather (any of 'em.) And I reckon I never will... because I HATED Goodfellas and generally hate films with gangster violence in them (including Reservoir Dogs.) So does that count (if I acknowledge it's probably a great film but I don't actually WANT to see it?)

"Yojimbo_5" said...

YES! YES! IT COUNTS! Sweet rapture, a reply!! (though it'd be swell if you put it in the 2007/Query post, said Mr. Nit-picky)

Yeah. I know what you mean. The "G's" are full of churn-inducing violence (the previous record-holder for me was "Beneath the Planet of the Apes" when I saw G1, so that says something), though now they play during tea-time on most cable-channels.

I have a hard time squaring the "John-who-hates-violence-in-movies" with the "John-who-loves-stylized-violence-in-movies" ("Sin City" (Hell-o!) is FAR and AWAY more violent than "The Godfather"), but I might guess it has something to do with the mixture of karo-syrup involved.

"Yojimbo_5" said...

And Walaka posted:
"I'll plead the Rummy answer. I'd have to go to a book to figure out what I haven't seen that I ought to have seen, and I didn't feel like doing that. On a side note, I also don't like gangster movies. It's not the violence, but the amorality: I do not think I learn eanything, and I do not enjoy the time spent with unpleasant people. So maybe I'll just say Reservoir Dogs, then. I have been mulling over the covers thing, BTW. I'll post it on my blog. Let's just say it's just a great cover; for real significance, you can't beat Action #1. And lastly, never conflate comments and interest."

To which I reply, "I don't conflate anything, since I don't know what it means" but now that I've looked it up at ("bowdlerize" is the word of the day!) I'll be conflating 'til the cows come home.