Monday, August 07, 2006

Weekend Wrap-up

Farmer Scott and The Chief came out to the Island post-delivery, and after a few minutes of Smokey "getting bad" on 'em, and a few more minutes watching the reflected sunset off the Saratoga Passage, we made our way to Toby's Tavern, home of "The Best Fish n Chips in the World." I haven't seen these guys in too long awhile--not since The Big Move--so it was good to hang out and jaw, if only for a little while. A movie night was the traditional thing to do, in lieu of a poker game, but so many movies have come and gone and too many of The Chief's visits to Seattle as well, we were starting to lose the sense of "getting together." Since we've been doing that since High School (30-mmph-mmph years ago), that's too much tradition and water-under-the-bridge to lose. Relationships take face-time, and blogs are no substitute.
After much banging and hammering, the wall came tumbling down, and we've been able to access the water-heater. Merely a touch of the red "candy-like" reset button, and we've got hot water again. No more boiling water on the stove-top to do dishes or take baths. With a punch of a button we're back in the...well, not exactly the 21st century, but certainly the 20th. Hot water. What a luxury.
Applied for a couple more part-time jobs on-line. We'll see if anything comes of them. One, I'd only be working Sundays. Hmmm. My sister-in-law Jane is coming out Tuesday to spend time with her daughter up on Mt. Rainier, and hang with the fam.' She and my Seester will be coming out this weekend to hang with the eagles and bunnies...and finches...the quail...and the rare occassion of a deer or buck crossing our lawn. Katheryn mentioned that one day last week while Smokey was swimming in The Passage, a sea-lion took some interest in him...kept bobbing up and checking him out. Smoke' never saw him, but once the lion realized it was another species entirely, gave it up and went back to fishing. I wonder what his reaction would be? Would he think it was another dog?
This week I've got a solid day's worth of editing for one of the freelance gigs in addition to the usual work, and even more freelance on Friday. Busy, busy. On top of that, I'm watching Ken Burns' documentary on Thomas Jefferson as an adjunct to reading "Undaunted Courage." Clay Jenkinson's featured in the Jefferson show. I had a great time reading his book, "Message on the Wind" and I try to catch him every time he comes to town--the next chance being in November at the Tukwila Rotary and the Library. Maybe that can become something for The group Blog. Or not. Seems the things always show up on the BCC Community Channel or the Seattle Channel for a repeating cycle of...forever. Still, always entertaining shows he puts on.


A belated birthday to one of my all-time heroes (that's another series of things to write about). Writer, voice-actor, radio show creator, maker of some of the finest commercials ever created. I've seen him speak on a number of occasions and he's never ceased to be fresh, funny and full of himself. You're an inspiration to me.

Happy 80th Birthday, Stan Freberg!

Next week: Really! This week my brain will explode (Promise!), if all goes well there will be a post that's its own award, and an Anytime Movie goes for the gold.

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