Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Have You Heard the One About....

Here's another one of those jokes I've known for years and years and never been able to get out of my head. I think I've always liked it for the simple set-up, and the build-up of information to the punch-line (no pun intended). It also has that element of giving you more information as it goes along while increasing the mystery to the surprise. I have no idea what the source of it was:

During the occupation of France, four people shared a train compartment: a German officer, a French officer, a pretty French girl, and a dowager. When the train entered a tunnel, everything in the compartment went black. Suddenly, there was the sound of a kiss, followed by a loud SLAP!

When the train emerged from the tunnel, the German officer was massaging a painful-looking bright red hand-mark on his face.

The dowager thinks: "Good for that girl! That terrible German got just what he deserved!"

The German thinks: "Gott in Himmel. That French swine kisses the girl and I get slapped for it!"

The girl thinks: "Strange. Why would the German kiss the old woman rather than me?"

The Frenchman thinks: "Viva La France! I kiss my hand, slap the German and no one's the wiser!"
True-Life Update: "Baby Huey" is now flying quite well, but is extraordinarily vocal, no doubt yelling the eagle equivalent of "Hey, ma, lookit what I'm doing! Look! Lookit!! Ma, Lookit!! Lookit!!"

K. Update: Today, "Baby Huey" flew right over the cabin, it's wing movements are very slow and when it made it to the opposite tree, "it clamped on for dear life." Then it turned and flew back to the nest.

Of Marginal Importance is a video Mark Evanier had mentioned on his blog that just cracked me up all the way through it's eight minutes--it's a sales presentation for LaChoy products produced in the 60's by The Muppets. I miss Jim Henson. He was far more anarchic than the Corporate Muppets are today. Also to the side is a nifty series of Hitchcock quotes, which will continue until the next Hitchcock installment (which will be a week from Sunday--Hitchcock, man, he's killing me!).

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