Sunday, September 09, 2007

And They're Off....

Yojimbo, calling the race from Niece K.'s computer in T-town, where Wife K. and Niece K. are marathoning a 6.25 mile run. Dropped them off at 9:00 for the start and I'm doing my own marathon with the dog, trying to squeeze in a shower (not with the dog), a computer session, a frisbee toss, a Gatorade-split (for the dehydrated gals), and shopping for the stir-fry concoction I promised to make (lost a bet with K.--NOTE: never wager with my wife), all before I pick them up @ 11:00 am by the Washington State History Museum.

Gleeps! It's 9:41! (or 0941 hours!!) !! Must dash!
(dashes, get it? Sorry, didn't sleep well last night...)


Walaka said...

Nu? How did it go?

"Yojimbo_5" said...

Well, they THOUGHT they could run AND walk that race...but they were only allowed to run.

They both finished under their expected time...aand the meal I had to cook for them was FABULOUS!