Sunday, November 05, 2006

Can It Be Any More Clear?

OPINION November 5, 2006 Editorial: The Difference Two Years Made On Tuesday, when this page runs the list of people it has endorsed for election, we will include no Republican Congressional candidates for the first time in our memory.

Copyright 2006 The New York Times Company Privacy Policy

It's ironic that in this state we have Republicans who, in their advertising, are railing against the policies of incumbent politicians, when it's their own party that is in control, and has been responsible for the very excesses they're "complaining" about. The answer evidently is to put out the fire with more gasoline...and expensive gasoline at that.
At any other time, I would suggest voting a third-party ticket, but currently, with one party controlling the Executive, Representative and stuffing the Judicial Branch, this is not the time.
This is, after all, a time of war. And we should vote accordingly.
Send a mesage. They can't, after all, fire all of us.

Thanks to Bob Zenk for the amazingly forthright Times editorial, and to Greg Day for the graphic graphic

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