Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Compassionate Conservatism at Work

I remember seeing a "60 Minutes" interview with one of Bush's ("That's President Bush," says Sam Seaborn) "minders" who quit to "go back to Texas" and was out shilling her book. The subject of "Compassionate Conservatism" came up. Great phrase, that. Made people think "how bad can he be?"* The origin of that phrase came when she asked "W" how he wanted to be seen. His reply was telling: "A conservative with a heart."

As if conservatives don't have them.

Very telling.

And she changed it--no doubt realizing that--to "compassionate conservatism."

As if conservatism isn't.

Still, it obviously worked.

That's all I'm going to say. There's nothing more to say. I'll let the other things here tell the rest of the story (the video, which is no longer available on C-SPAN--hiss--runs about 20 minutes). But don't be surprised if you come away with a shade more regard for John Ashcroft. That's how bad this story is.



* It's certainly better than my phrase, which was "Put Dracula in Charge of the Blood-Bank!"

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