Visit to "The Rock"
Saturday, while K. was in Tacoma, Walaka and Otis came out to "The Rock" for a visit to scope out the place and enjoy some beach time. Neither one of them had seen Smokey in his six years of life, so he came along, and though he still has his foot injury, he "cowboy'd up" and froliced in the surf, chasing after his floating rubber chicken toy. As always he ran himself ragged--the wet sand and salt water probably did his chewed-up foot-pad some good. And surprised Otis, with his ability to "shake hands" while throwing water on people. Then, while he slept in the car we all went to one of the few "jernts" on "The Rock" that serves organic food for Vegans, then tramped around the streets of the "Art-Shop Capital," where we pulled out our cameras and did the "touristy" thing. This is my side of the events. Here's the visit from their viewfinder.

Twas a lovely trip, Yojimbo!
Thank you for lunch and for touring us around town. Great to see you!
p.s. I'm re-thinking the idea of just jumping in the sound to swim after witnessing Smokey's "contribution" to the water. :-) A friend at a party the other day said that he thinks that 25% of the sound is dog barf. Hmmm....
Well, you know what W.C.Fields used to say--"I never drink water! Fish make love in it!"
It's a dirty world out there, and you have your nose rubbed in that fact when you cohabit with quadrapeds. Fu barfs a lot, coughs up the occasional fur-ball, and every so often she pees and poops where she shouldn't. And when she poops, unless you're on-guard, Smokey'll eat it ("Mmmm. Kitty-roca!").
They're such....ANIMALS!! And no amount of dressing them in cute little sweaters will change that fact.
It was a fine day--K. loved the pictures (and rented out the condo!! Score!! Now we have to go down there and put in a watering system for the yard) We'll have to do that dinner-thing soon.
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